How long does a site take to build?

We use Figma’s API to create your site, this requires a fair bit of complexity under the hood. If your library has lots of components and variants or lots of people are building libraries at the same time, it can take a while — around 5 to 15 mins and occasionally longer. We’ll email you as soon as it’s done, and we’re constantly working on improving the speed and stability of the builds.

How do I update my library?

All you need to do is hit the refresh button on your library in our admin area. We’re working on a plugin so you can trigger this from Figma.

What is the ideal Figma structure?

FigMayo will map to how your Figma file is structured. Styles are split out into separate pages and will group as per your nesting. Any page in Figma that contains a published component will be turned into a page on FigMayo. This means that if all your components are on a single Figma page, they will all display on a single page on FigMayo. We’d generally follow Figma’s recommendation (especially as you scale your design system) and add components to different pages. This will make your library easier to browse and increase the discoverability of components. We like to divide our pages into sections that contain related components. So we have a “forms” page that has our inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons etc.

Multi file setup

One of the main benefits of FigMayo is the ability to combine multiple Figma libraries into a single site. This reduces the amount of components in a single library and makes large design systems more manageable. Our setup has a “Foundations” library for our core styles, “Icons” for, well, icons (it definitely makes sense to have icons as a separate library especially if you have hundreds of them. These can often make publishing a lot slower), “Components” for our simple components and “Organisms” for more complex components. We might add another file for “templates” when we have full screens/blocks firmed up.This loosely follows Brad Frost’s atomic design principles, but can be adapted to suit the size and complexity of your design system.

Multi site setup

We support the option to create multiple design system sites that contain multiple libraries. This is ideal if you’re an agency with multiple clients that need documentation or have different ‘sub-brands’/’verticals’, that need to be separated out. We can brand each site separately if needed.

How much does it cost?

At the moment we’re still figuring out the ideal pricing by talking to our first users. Depending on your needs around the amount libraries, sites, and member seats we can work something out that suits your team. We will have full functionality for enterprise clients coming soon.

Do variables work?

We are working on adding variables, as soon as Figma make the API available for public use, we’ll add them in. This will be before the end of the year.

What's coming next?

The next step for us is to release our Figma plugin for detailed component documentation. This will let you create and attach detailed documentation to components in Figma and let you publish your site from Figma as well. Think of it as `notion in Figma`. We're super excited about this to get the first version of this out bu the end of the year.

One of our long terms goals is to generate your components as CSS, so people can interact with the states as you would browsing a webpage - this will make it much clearer how components actually work and would let us incorporate variable modes as well.